Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bad bunny plays at our house....

Bad bunny, bad bunny, what you going to do??? We had some fun in the back yard with Bobi and the Easter bunnies. Check out our youtube channels to see the video.... listen carefully to the words of the music......

Morgan loves to ride the quad. She enjoys the wind in her face and the escape from the stressors of the city. The smell of campfire in her coat reminds her of another great get away adventure.

Mustafa, is learning to wear a muzzle and ride on top of Tony's shoulders. The idea of having the puppy comfortable while up on a person's shoulders is emergency preparedness. In case the dog is ever harmed while out of range of a vehicle and needs to be carried out the shoulder lift is easier on the person carrying the dog for any distance. Here's hoping you never need it.

Mustafa, is modeling the muzzle. It's a new look for us. We haven't tried to muzzle train this early before but..... someone asked us why not..... we didn't have a reason so we tested out the theory. Halter training happens from almost day one on a new born horse. Mufasa seems to agree that early training is less stressful than waiting until he's older.

Dallas has retired and is moving to Montana to share the rest of her life protecting some very lovely folks. She has her own room in the motor home. Adopt me please!!! ;-)

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