Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 15, 2012 A day of rest....

Today Tony and I are spending much of the day catching up with house and yard chores. Perhaps not so many yard chores because of the rain but we do learn how to dodge rain drops up here. They kids continue to grow and eat and poop! Yes, that too is on my list of yard duties.

You all enjoy your last weekend of sleep and prepare for next weekend. Got your crates? Puppy food? Dishes? Decided on your commands? Decided where in the yard the puppy can do its business? Got your leashes? So many things to think about and only a week to get it done....


We will be in the same place with 'Ari'. Crate training, house training and more.....

Stopped raining!!! I'm off to dodge the big drops and get the kennels cleaned!!


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